Power Consulting

Whether you are planning for a remodeling or a new construction project, or an upgrade to your old electrical system, a qualified electrical service professional at UPS Servis can discuss options and help you think through the electrical needs of a project before you start the design and installation process.

Site Survey

We make a site survey and advise you in the choice of solutions for developing and modernizing your installation according to your environment. This advice particularly concerns redundancy, power increase, consideration of electrical problems in your area, recommendations for solutions to harmonics problems and etc.

Power Determination

This is the estimation and consultancy service we offer our customers who have electrical problems and require expert advice.

Our expert, directed by the sales, discuss with the customer to get detailed information and make measurements at the place if necessary. Upon these measurements and considering customer’s expectations, the most economical solution is developed.

Grid Problems detections

Reliable power is important and disturbances in the power supply can adversely affect sensitive electronic devices, motors, processing operations and HVAC equipment. Computers can lose memory and electrical equipment can sustain permanent damage if not properly protected. With electronic equipment now being used in virtually every aspect of business operations, higher standards of power quality have become a necessity.

6 general categories of power irregularities include:

  • Over voltage
  • Under voltage
  • Outages (Blackouts)
  • Surges and spikes
  • Electric noises
  • Harmonic distortion

Critical load assessment

UPS Service team analyse equipment used at customer’s facility in order to provide proper solution. There are critical points to be considered during survey: presence of inductive load which may affect electrical system by creating harmonic distortion, undervoltages and electric noises, peak load equipment and etc.

Equipment such as storage systems, high-end electronic equipment, telecom re-translators and repeaters can be very sensitive to pure sinewave, so proper AC supply must be guaranteed.

Defining maximum allowed Downtime period as well as Data Protection level also crucial for drawing final solution for particular electrical environment.